The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Truck Slipstream Effects

Wade Bartlett (
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 23:32:17 -0400 (EDT)

My experience has generally been a noticeable PUSH away from the truck from about 2 feet ahead of the front bumper which lasts from anywhere between the front axle to mid-tractor wheelbase. I have never been *sucked* into any truck, regardless of who was passing whom. I have sometimes overcorrected when the gust hit me, and veered briefly towards the front fender...There's very little wind effect behind the rear tractor axle, IME. I have ridden numerous street bikes from 250cc (nearly the same size physically as a 125) to 1340cc.

My biggest problem mid-trailer length, as you describe, is during passing on rainy days-they throw a terrible spray up obscuring visibility ahead.

There is a really neat pocket about 1 foot behind the rear ICC bar, though, where all wind ceases. Can't ride there for long, for fear of overheating my aircooled engine, but it is amusing. But then, that's me. YMMV.


Wade Bartlett

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