The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Accident vs Crash

Rod Macdonald (
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 09:50:11 -0400 (EDT)

"Your Honor, move to strike the witnesses entire testimony - by his own statements this person is a highly qualified "Accident Investigator" who has determined that the event in question was a not an 'Accident' at all - but a COLLISION!"

oh, I wanna be the guy they pull that one on....

don't get me wrong - I don't go 'round correcting people everytime they don't use 'my' word - I'm just throwin my 2 bytes worth in...

and you make a good point - I did just fly in the face of ACTAR, for one , and every other organization of Traffic Investigators I can think of, now didn't I?...(with apologies of course)

I just call em collisions cause it is the most specific, accurate description of what's going on, it sounds a little more professional than "crash",... and it rhymes too...

your Honor...
Rod Macdonald

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