The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Accident vs Crash

Wilt Nelson (
Tue, 11 Aug 1998 14:56:30 -0400 (EDT)

Look guys, the discussion wasn't about crash vs collision. It was about using the term accident. There are many synomyms for crash. collision, impact, etc. , and a clear difference in the definition of accident vs the terms crash, collision, etc.(see my previous thread)
The adoption of the correct term is relatively new and will take time for everyone to apply it. Many organizations have used the word "accident" in their names or titles. Some may change others will not. I would love to be challenged in court about the names of organizations I have belonged to because they contain the word accident. What an excellent opportunity to tell the jury the difference. No sharp attorney is going to give you a chance to do that, it would blow his case. So don't worry that you are ACTAR certified, or belong to MATAI, etc. Voirdiring the expert requires appropriate questions and challenges: it is doubtful that a judge will let some attorney have the time to hassel you about the name of some organization you belong to.
Wilt Nelson

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