The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Side impact, door latch failure, Mitsubishi, Galant

Jim Spofford (
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 01:02:47 -0400 (EDT)

I investigated an accindent approximately 5 years ago where a Mitsubishi Galant was impacted broadside at the passenger door. As a result of this impact, which
I believe was a low speed impact, the Mitsubishi spun out of control rotating approximately 180 degrees after which it collided with a tree on the passenger's side door. Sometime after impact and before collision with the tree the passenger door opened, which I beleive was due to the impact, exposing the intrior of the passenger's side. Upon impact the driver, who was wearing her safty belt, slid side ways, her head hitting the tree. The driver sustained serious and lasting brain damage.
I would be interested in talking with anyone who has had similar type impacts involving Mitsubishi Galants wear there was a door latch failure. I will be testifying in the near future in Civil court involving this accident.

Jim Spofford

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