The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

ARnews Frequently Asked Questions

Bill Wright (
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 00:14:38 -0400 (EDT)

1) ARnews is for people that practice Traffic Accident Reconstruction.
As you look through these posts, you will see that they are technical
in nature. That is the nature of this business. Any posts that are
remotely relevant to the field are welcome. You are invited to participate.

2) If you are involved in an accident and wish general information your
post is also welcome. Just be sure you are asking a general question.
If you are seeking a legal opinion, you are reminded that lawyers offer
legal advice. Reconstructionists do not.

3) As you read this news archive recognize that each thread should be
about a specific topic. If the thought you wish to post is exactly on
the topic of an existing thread, then reply to that thread. If it is
only similar to an existing thread, note the difference in your title
and start a new one. This will help others in reading and responding
to posts.

Stated another way, it doesn't cost anything to start a new thread topic.
So, if in doubt start a new one.

4) Posts advertising a commercial venture (called spam in other circles)
have generally received the attention that they deserve. If you would
like to place your product before ARnews readers you can legitimately
advertise here. Show your commitment and support this archive. You can
obtain more information by checking on Commercial Advertising in TARO.

5) Double postings of messages are usually the result of people that
just can't wait to see their message in the archive. Please be patient.
As the archive grows in size it may be several minutes before your message
appears. Several software fixes have attempted to prevent this problem.
They have met with incomplete success.

6) Others with suggestion general Arnews guidelines are welcome to leave
their thoughts by following up in this thread.

The editor of TARO thanks one and all for their participation in Arnews.
It is because of you that previous archives of ARnews has been a success.
Bill Wright

NOTE: You are reading in an archived session of ARnews. It is possible that this topic is still being discussed. To see if this topic is still active, or of there were any more recent posts on this topic, check later archives of ARnews.

If there is no current post, and you would like to add to this topic, link to the Current ARnews Discussion and begin a new thread. Be sure that if you are starting a new post that the thread title does not contain the abbreviation RE: Placing RE: at the beginning of a new post will confuse Hypermail and prevent others from answering your post in the future.

For example, to continue this discussion look for a thread titled

ARnews Frequently Asked Questions

If this thread does not exist in the current archive, you can begin another one by using that title.