The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Motorcycle Specs

Rod Macdonald (
Tue, 3 Jun 1997 13:50:59 -0400 (EDT)

have found local dealers to be a good source of info, the parts dept, should have all the specs and can ID a particular model and it's features by VIN, just like autos. Poway Honda 748-4151 and Escondido Cycle Center 745-1615, do a lot of work on police motors from the area and should be willing to help. Route 66 in Oceanside specializes in 'classic' motorcycle restoration and sales ahas about 300 older bikes in their showroom, they should have a ton of manuals and specs on file and could also be a good source to check for an undamaged exemplar vehicle... unfortunately they're only open 4 days a week but I'll follow up on it tomorrow first thing.

Rod Macdonald

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