The Traffic Accident Reconstruction
Origin -ARnews-
VIN - free checks
Jim Mitchell (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 07:57:07 -0400 (EDT)
My initial offer of free VIN checks was designed to assist persons who were seeking information to assist them in the investigation of motor vehicle collisions. It is becoming quite obvious by the amount of pre-1981 vehicles I am getting requests for that persons are not using this service for accident reconstruction purposes. Commencing immediately if you are not in the TARO e-mail directory or a member of NNAR I will not provide this assistance. As it is I have to refer pre-1981 (17 digit VINs) to another reconstructionist who is much too busy to do these for free.
If you need help then join TARO's e-mail list; if not, then I'm sorry, but I'm not in the business of assisting people who collect antique autos, etc.
Jim Mitchell
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