The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Diana'a Accident

Ed Phillips (
Tue, 9 Sep 1997 10:21:42 -0400 (EDT)

"Various reports of the crash against a center tunnel pillar that killed Diana, her boyfriend, Dodi Al Fayed, and driver Henri Paul had the Mercedes 280 traveling at speeds of about 120 mph." This is out of today's news. "Reports", I sure would like to know the source of this. I suspect it is going to be speed estimates from some witness. It seems the speedometer issue is pretty much debunked. As to your specific question, it appears that the MBZ had both significant linear momentum (in-line with the column) and some inertia westerly along the direction of the roadway as one would suspect in any sharp left turn. As an object would move into the column it would crush linearly slowing in that (southerly) direction and imparting some momentum to earth via the column, however the momentum quantity westerly would tend to continue in that direction and thus rotate the vehicle about the contact point with the column. What the vehicle movement is precisely, after separating from the col
umn, I can not tell from the small amount of data I have seen. With the Investigative bodies of the French Poice, Scotland Yard and Mercedes involved, I am sure we will know clearly at some point in the future.


Ed Phillips

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