The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Need help with motorcycle crash

Steve Williams (
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 11:51:44 -0400 (EDT)

I am investigating a fatal M/C crash 08/30/98 at 2030 hrs eastern time.
Crash involved 84 Ford F150 making left turn infront of 82 Suzuki GS1100.
Impact was head on with truck approch angle at 30 to 40 degrees (est.)
Truck sustained damage to front bumper, grille, and engine compartment
and induced damage to cab, truck bed, and vehicle frame. There is clear
indication from extensive damage to both vehicles, of excessive speed by M/C
operator. There is no evidence of pre-impact braking by M/C, and insufficient
evidence for momentum analysis. I plan to take crush measurements on truck
and M/C as this seems to be only way to determine the speed of M/C.
I would appreciate any suggestions as to appropriate methods and formulas
to use.
Steve Williams

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