The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Need Help With Hot-shock

Alan Legath (
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 19:27:38 -0400 (EDT)

I am currently investigating a nighttime fatal in with no direct witnessess. Several persons arrived on the scene within seconds of the impact and reported one vehicle did not have it's lights on. The vehicle is eqipped with Daytime Running Lights, but neither the DRL or high beams of the headlamps work at this time. There is no evidence of Hot-shock on either headlamp, even though one lamp was pushed back almost two feet, breaking the plastic lens but leaving the halogen bulb intact. I nderstand that the DRL operate at a reduced voltage on the high beam filaments. Even though the voltage is reduced the filament is still incandescent and should, I believe, show evidence of hot shock. If anyone has any experience with Hot-shock and DRL, or any thoughts, I would appreciate your comments. Thanks @.
Alan Legath

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