The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Junk Mail - Lawyers Judges Publishing Co.

Bob Kovach (
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 16:25:21 -0400 (EDT)

An open letter to Lawyers Judges Publishing Co.:

Lawyers Judges Publishing Co. has obviously obtained my
name and addresses from TARO. As such, theTARO entry
does state "No unsolicited advertisements please."

Your company started off by invading my e-mail address
several times with Reconstruction Seminar notices. Then
you e-mailed me several more ridiculous offers with a
internet expert listing service (a $595. value for "free"
but, exceptions apply) because I was only one of 2 or 3
such persons selected in the state, etc.

Each time I received your e-mail advertisements I replied
with "remove" as indicated but, it just keeps on coming.

Next, I started receiving your regular junk mail in my P.O. Box.
Now, today, a Fall Catalog 1998.

Therefore, let me ask you, exactly what part of "NO" is it
that you do not understand?
Bob Kovach

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