The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Marking The Roadway

Wilt Nelson (
Fri, 18 Sep 1998 17:12:39 -0400 (EDT)

Use 6 inch lengths of white vinyl channel, ‰ 2" x 2"or 3'x3". Using a wide felt marker, label each with the alphabet, A, B, C,...AA, BB, CC. AB, AC, AD, ...etc. It doesn't matter if you use or record them in order.
Examine the scene and drop a marker on each piece of interest, then go back and start measuring and recording those you want to archive. You can always add markers as you go, since it is not uncommon to find a new bit of evidence/debris, etc as you go along. Lastly photograph the markers from a distance to show relative positions (all of the markers may not be readable). Follow this up with close in photo shots of the gouges, blood trails, skids, etc. in which the marker ID can be read of the evidence that may require closer views. The white vinyl reflects well and shows up in night scenes. The bottle cap idea is a good one but often the debris is larger or more prominent or looks like a bottle cap and hence does not make the best photo exhibit. Thios material is cheap and can be run over by traffic without destroying the marker. They also store well.

Wilt Nelson

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