The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Need help on Suhn position

Jody Hicks (
Fri, 25 Sep 1998 14:37:00 -0400 (EDT)

I am working a case where the accident occurred at 6:05 PM, sunset occurred
at 5:38 PM. The attorney wants photos showing the traffic light from
where the witnesses were. The witnesses say they could see the traffic
light lens face. The lens are copmpletely hooded and could not be seen
from where the witnesses were located. The witnesses probably saw the
glow of the traffic light instead.
This accident occurred about 2 years ago, and I can't wait until the
anniversary date of the accident to photograph the scene.
What I want to do is photograph the scene in the same light conditions with
still and video cameras. I'm looking for a computer program, reference book,
or chart that will tell me what the sun's position was on the date/time of
the accident and when will it be in the same position for any day, so I can
record the scene with the same natural light conditions.
I have seen the computer program put out by SunBear. It gives the sun
position for the accident date, but doesn't tell me when the sun will be
in the same position on any other date.
I would appreciate anyone's help on this situation and welcome any alternate
methods to solve this situation.
Thanks for your help.
Jody Hicks

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