The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Car v. pedestrian

Chuck Veppert Actar #696 (
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 19:38:29 -0500 (EST)

It is true that ballcaps or hats tend to fall at or very near the pedestrian impact area. (So much so that pedestrians should be required to wear them to make our jobs easier) The reason seems to be that the pedestrian is quickly removed from under his headgear with little or no force applied to the hat. Kind of like yanking the tablecloth out from under the dishes. But eyeglasses would be another matter alltogether. Glasses are not worn on top of the head and they are designed to hook around the ears. It would be expected that upon impact to the wearer, they would assume some of the momentum and travel some distance away from the area of impact. From what evidence you have in this case, you are not going to be able to nail down anything more than an estimated impact location.

Chuck Veppert Actar #696

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