The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Car v. pedestrian

Wilt Nelson (
Thu, 12 Nov 1998 14:59:54 -0500 (EST)

Unfortunately, the scene is now old and the evidence of where the ped was has dissappeared. Reading up on the subject, (and there are many authors, and some with differing views) you will learn that shoes leave marks on the surface and also will show evidence of the surface the shoes were on when the ped was struck. How do you wear a ball cap, or you uniform hat for that matter? Not as loosely as the dummies in some of the tests where ball caps were used to establish the POI I'll bet. But the ball cap can be used as the MINIMUM distance (because its all you got) for the calcs because it probably followed the ped in the air stream or by sticking to his head, and ended up down stream of the true POI. Same for the eye glasses. I would use the longest dist between POR and the hat or glasses in one of the selected equations. An easy and extremely effective way to calculate pedestrian crashes is to use a program that includes all the recognized equations so the proper result can be s
elected. A police officer, Greg Russell, has developed such a program on a spread sheet that is terrific. He is selling it for $30 and it is worth $500, believe me. his address is 8927 Jeffmar Drive, Glenburnie, Maryland, 21061-4216. The program works on EXCEL.
Wilt Nelson

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