The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Re: Nissan Altima Airbag Deployment

terry fischer (
Tue, 22 Dec 1998 11:16:05 -0500 (EST)

Your right Ed. It was a low-speed in-line impact. The stiking Nissan and the struck vehicle, another passenger car, received only minor scratches in the plastic bumper covers.

Given the lack of significant damage and the typical behavior of airbag systems, I wouldn't have expected deployment. Looking at the sensor positions in the Mitchells Collision Estimating guide, I found that the sensor was immediately behind the front bumper in the 93-94 model years. In 95 and beyond, the sensor had been moved onto the fire wall.

So I'm wondering what was the activation delta-V for the old sensor position versus the new sensor position. Obviously, the hardware also changed, but how about the activation.

Thanks for your comments

Terry Fischer

terry fischer

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