The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Heavy Vehicle Braking Efficiency

Eric Brewer (
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 16:57:38 -0500 (EST)

I have been involved with Commercial Vehicle Reconstruction for some time here
in British Columbia, Canada. What we have found over the years is that heavy
trucks generate between 60 and 65% the braking of a passenger vehicle. This
does not hold true for trucks with ABS. One of the major factors is the setting
of the brakes and whether or not the brakes were hot causing drum expansion.
If this is the case the percentage can drop considerably below the 65% range.
One of the best ways to determine the deceleration value for a no ABS equipped
truck is to use the methods developed by Ron Heusser. His SAE paper outlines
exactly how to go about determining the specific value for your truck. I have
run extensive tests to validate this paper and found the results to fall right
in line with both shot marker values and "G"Analyst values.
The paper number is SAE 910126.
If you have any problems get back to me and I will try to help.

Eric Brewer

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