The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Permission to Examine Vehicles

Lee Gentry (
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 22:45:21 -0500 (EST)

Common situation: You are hired by the attorney or insurance company of Vehicle 1 to reconstruct a two-car accident involving Vehicle 1 and Vehicle 2. The vehicles are stored at salvage yards or garages. You examine Vehicle 1 without concern as to your right to do so. Question: Do you examine Vehicle 2 without express legal (written) permission from the owner to do so? By requesting such permission, I have managed to throw several attorneys and insurance adjusters into a tizzy. "We've never felt we needed to do that before....." But when asked if it is legal to do so, I can get no answer - even from insurance defense and subrogation attorneys specializing in auto accidents! I have agreed to conduct "hands-off" inspections and take photographs, but not to do detailed "hands-on" examinations without permission to do so.

Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?

Thanks for your thoughts - Lee

Lee Gentry

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