The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Motorcycle crash

Steve Peters (
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 16:23:29 -0500 (EST)

The Case;

A kawasaki Ninja Zx-9R ,900cc, had a rear wheel skid of 87', came down on the
right side, leaving a gouge and ejected the rider. The bike apparently came back on two wheels and continued to travel 444' before going again and sliding
98' to final rest. I beleive the bike came back up a rolled because the raodway is clean from the first gouge left until the next gouge and scrape follwed by additional slide scrapes to final rest. Question: How do I account forthe distance the bike rolled before going down again and sliding to final rest? I have an idea of not including that distance in any of the calculations.

Steve Peters

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