The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-


Albert T. Baxter (
Mon, 05 Apr 1999 11:52:02

Here's the latest list of upcoming ACTAR Examination locations:

Sunday April 25, 1999 Jacksonville FL
Friday June 4, 1999 New City NY
Sunday July 11, 1999 Charleston SC
Wednesday July 14, 1999 Redmond OR
Thursday July 15, 1999 Phoenix AZ
Sunday August 8, 1999 Lansing MI
Sunday August 15, 1999 Edmonton Alberta CANADA
Tuesday September 21, 1999 Collinsville IL
Tuesday October 5, 1999 Allentown PA
Sunday October 17, 1999 Concord CA

For more information contact me or visit the ACTAR website.


Albert T. Baxter - Administrator
Post Office Box 5436
Hudson Florida 34674-5436
Phone 1-800-809-3818

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