The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Re: airbag injuries

Don Dickerson (
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 17:10:46 -0400 (EDT)

I have read nothing about breathing the vapors from deployed airbags but my
sister, Pat Munden of Marshall, Texas had breathing difficulties and
vocal chord damage as a result of an accident. The airbag deployed but when
she was thrown into the airbag by the collision she enhaled the vapors
expended by the airbag. She can no longer talk above a whisper and has
had to have continual medical care; not from the accident injuries but
from complications caused by the air bag vapors. Is it possible the
airbag was packed incorrectly? Have tests been done on these chemicals
in regard to inhaling them and their effect on vocal chords? Her vocal
chords show burns and scarring as though she swallowed acid.This accident
was in May 1997 and she has yet to gain back her voice. If anyone knows
of any studies on this or has more information I would like to hear it.
Thank you.

Don Dickerson
Don Dickerson

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