The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: How many affiliations are enough?

Ed Livesay (
Fri, 2 May 1997 19:43:05 -0400 (EDT)


It would be very easy to put out big money to maintain affiliations. On the
other hand, some jury surveys have pointed to the fact that many jury members
give great credence to those whom are members of professional associations.

My opinion is that one or maybe two affiliations is enough. A smart person
would eventually figure out that a candidate is sending the very same
CV to each organization.... it's kinda like having more than one pistol...
two would be great but more might be useless and considered "over-kill."

I WOULD suggest joining the major Reconstruction association in your area... there
aren't that many.... I am a proponent of the ACTAR accreditation process... it
ain't mandatory, but it has its advantages. If you can afford it, the SAE is
also a prestigious organization. Be aware that ACTAR and the SAE require
continuing education.... this can become VERY expensive.

They say that crime don't pay... but neither does police work (been there, done
that, and bought the T-shirt). Good Luck!... Ed

Ed Livesay

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