The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

How many affiliations are enough?

Robert P. Rock (PAROC@AOL.COM)
Thu, 1 May 1997 22:12:45 -0400 (EDT)

I am a Detective with the Denver Police Traffic Investigations Bureau and
began reconstructing accidents about two years ago. I have been qualified
as an expert in court and I have testified about a variety of AR topics.
I am constantly amazed at the extent some reconstructionists go to in order
to boost their CV's. I just saw a resume from one fellow working in Colorado
and the surrounding states that lists over 15 "professional" affiliations with
various accident reconstruction associations. By my estimation, this guy
spends over $700 a year to maintain his memberships. What is my point?
Well, being a police accident reconstructionist, I am at the bottom of the
reconstructionist food chain as far as funding goes. I do not currently
belong to any professional organizations except the FOP. I am curious if
anyone can suggest just how many associations I should belong to? Does
anyone have a "Top Ten List" of the best organizations for the financially
challenged reconstructionist? Thanks for the help.
Robert P. Rock

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