The Traffic Accident Reconstruction
Origin -ARnews-
1998 S.O.A.R. Conference
Dave Lohf (dlohf@aol)
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 22:50:21 -0400 (EDT)
The 1998 combined conference for S.O.A.R., WATAI and TAARS will be held in
Colorado Springs, CO during late August, 1998 and will include "back to the basics"
instruction. I am seeking input regarding instructors in the fields of current
technologies and trends in the fields of vehicle lighting and automotive/truck
tire testing/failure. It is our intention to include instruction that deals
with the basics of our profession, yet allows those who have spent some time
"in the field" since that basic instruction, to revisit those basics and get
"updated" on what's happened in the last twenty years.
I'm looking for instructors that are respected and can provide more than the
"dog and pony show" that would probably be presented by the manufacturers.
Of course, we are looking for instructors that won't break the budget, as well.
If anyone knows of suitable and interesting instructors, please provide a name
and address (e-mail or physical). Thank you in advance for the help.
Dave Lohf
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