The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Our Responsibility

Bob Cole (
Thu, 4 Sep 1997 22:07:06 -0400 (EDT)


I believe that your second paragraph should start with:
"As a police officer my responsiblity (substitute: 'one of my responsibilities')
is to determine how the laws of my state apply...."
As a police officer reconstructionist there are many responsibilities. During
my police reconstruction career, I felt that one of my most important
responsibilities (and the one that gave me the greatest job satisfaction)was to
find if there was anything that could have prevented the tragedy and make
recommendations for prevention (problem intersection, highway design,
legislation etc.)

Continuing with the prevention thought - your statement: "now can we send this
all off the the editorials page" -lets not rush.
Those in traffic safety have long complained about the acceptance of the public
and media toward traffic deaths (try to imagine if 40,000 people were killed
per year in airline disasters). This incident is developing a life of its own
and will be remembered by many people (depending on your age - "I was .....when
Kennedy was assassinated" or "I was .....when the shuttle crashed" etc.) Maybe
some people (hopefully our youth)will remember this incident and realize
"it happened to a princess, it can happen to me" instead of that famous
(I am invincible)last thought:
"it won't happen to me".

Perhaps wishful thinking on my part.
Bob Cole

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