The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Our Responsibility

Bob Kegel (
Fri, 5 Sep 1997 02:16:37 -0400 (EDT)

>The media has apparently "latched" onto the (questioned)"fact" that the limosine's
>speedometer needle was stuck indicating 121 mph.

It was a pretty tenuous "latch". I caught one exchange between anchorman and European correspondant. Anchorman says "120 MILES per hour". Euroman replies "That's right, 120 KILOMETERS per hour". Neither heard what the other was saying. Finally the word comes out that the speedometer read "0" when inspected by the police. Funny how every other collision is discussed in terms of hard numbers and physical evidence. All we have here are rumor, speculation, and emotion.
Bob Kegel

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