The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Who was driving?

Albert T. Baxter (
Sat, 24 Oct 1998 14:02:27


A good reference paper is one titled "Accident Victim Interaction with
Vehicle Interior: Reconstruction Fundamentals" SAE paper #870500 by Nyquist
and Kennedy.

Traffic Institute Topic 876 Understanding Occupant Behavior in Vehicle
Collisions by Fricke & Baker

This year's IPTM Special Problems Workshop had a presentation by Sgt. Joe
Cofone titled "A Guide to Determining Occupant Seating Positions from
Physical Evidence and Injury Patterns.

The Canadian multi-Disciplinary Road Safety Conf. 6-14-16-1993 in
Saskatechwan had a paper titled Crash Reconstruction and Analysis: The
Problem of Who Was the Driver, by Robert Green Univ. of Western Ontario.

Hope these help.


Albert T. Baxter
ACTAR Registration #116
Suncoast Collision Analysis
14840 Atlantic Avenue
Hudson Florida 34667-1006

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