The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Severed Vehicle

Phillip Pico (
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 17:25:07 -0500 (EST)

A recent traffic collision in my city involved a Dodge pick up colliding head on with a 78 Mercury Zephyr. Basically, the Mercury which was e/b went over dirt median and collided with the Dodge which was w/b in #1 lane. The collision severed the Mercury in half, with the front end resting on the #2 w/b lane and the last half spinning and landing on end so the rear bumper was in the air. My question is this: Would the weight inside the Mercury (6 passengers) be part of the reason the vehicle was cut in half? We're going to do a mechanical inspection on both vehicles this week, so maybe that will answer some questions. So far, speed has been guesstimated at 60 mph for both vehicles, but crush data is still being analyzed. Also, I'm searching for specs on the Mercury, and so far, no such luck. Anybody that knows where I can get info on the WWW, I would sure appreciate it. Thanks.
Phillip Pico

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