The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Severed Vehicle

Chris Borelli (
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 07:42:22 -0500 (EST)


This may not apply to your case but I did reconstruct a similar accident where one of the vehicles was split in half. However, the two parts had been spliced together during a prior repair. The welds at the rocker panel and the A pillar were some of the poorest quality welds I have ever seen and the outside was covered with body filler. The corrosion protection within the rocker and pillar had not been restored and the iside surface of the rocker and pillar had corroded through. This is what really resulted in this vehicle splitting in half.

The worst part of this case was that the seat belt went with the rear half of the vehicle, cutting the head off of the operator.

Chris Borelli

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