The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: AutoSketch Version 5.0

Brad Booth (
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 23:35:59 -0500 (EST)


I have used both Autosketch 2.1 and now version 6.0 which recently replaced 5.0. 6.0 is much better than 5.0, and with just alittle work you will pick up on it fast. There are several advantages to 6.0 over 2.1. First of all you don't have to go looking for tool boxes. They are all along the left side of your drawing. Also, it is much easier to to be exact instead of close. If you like to be exact, 6.0 is what you want.

If you have any specific questions, email me as I have the hang of 6.0.

I guess to answer you question, 5.0 is seemed difficult when I used it, but 6.0 has alot of good additions and is worth the money.

Trooper Brad Booth
Brad Booth

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