The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

AutoSketch Version 5.0

Tim Boniface (
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 14:20:21 -0400 (EDT)

After 4 years of using AutoSketch 2.0 for scale collision drawings with good results, our traffic branch recently purchased the new version, AutoSketch 5.0. I had researched the new version by checking out the AutoSketch website at and the new features impressed me. However, when we purchased it, I found that several changes occurred and that I would have to re-learn how to use it. For starters, they've changed several of the names such as "object" becomes "entity" and bitmap becomes "raster image". My biggest complaint is the method of entering coordinates. In AutoSketch 2.0, the coordinate window was located at the top of the screen and always visible. However, on the new version if you want to draw a line using absolute coordinates, you first click on the Draw toolbox then select Line then you type a to bring up the coordinate entry box which covers up your drawing while you enter the coordinates. The old method seemed to work better to me. Mind you, ther
e still are several nice features such as the drawing wizards and the zoom function using the roller wheel of a Microsoft Intellimouse.
I have, in the past taught the other members of our traffic branch an AutoSketch course using version 2.0 however I am in a dilemma as to develop a new course for version 5 or continue with the old. I must admit that I haven't ventured too far in the new version to fully investigate it's usefulness however after trying read the manual (which contains the new terminology and procedures) I come away frustrated.
Has anyone out there tried the new version and if so, what is your opinion of it compared to version 2.0 or 2.1? It would also be nice to know if Autodesk will continue to offer the older versions of AutoSketch for those of us who haven't embraced the new version. I will continue to struggle along to learn the new version to form my own opinion but so far it ain't easy.

Cst. Tim Boniface
Waterloo Regional Police Service
Cambridge, Ontario
Tim Boniface

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