The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -Article-

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Accessing NHTSA Crash Tests Database Information

by: Thomas Langley

The following information is a guide map to the National Highway Traffic Safety Admininstration's Crash Test Database. The way to use this article is to print this page. Then you can link around on the web and follow these directions step by step. Once you have downloaded the database you will be able to obtain and extract information from government sponsored vehicle crash tests. A wealth of information lies dormant waiting for you.

How to get Crash Test Information from the NHTSA Crash Test Database


Thomas Langley is a retired Cobb County, Georgia Police Sergeant. He has investigated and or reconstructed over 350 traffic fatalities in 8 years with the police. He has recieved training through the Georgia Police Academy and advanced training through IPTM and Texas A&M (Advanced Accident Reconstruction I and II through IPTM). Mr Langley instructed while in the military and police fields. He has been in private practice since 1985. He can be reached at

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