![]() The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-
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ACTAR had a minor crisis in that the initial washout rate was quite high - primarily due to the prospects apprehension. Victor helped a group study for the exam then took the exam with them. When Vic took the exam he only knew the types of questions not the actual questions/problems.
After taking (and passing) the exam Vic then prepared the kit. The kit is perhaps not as detailed as it could be but it includes a complete sample test. I spent the $100 for it and found it useful because it helped me budget my time better on the drawing portion.
(Most of my time on the second four hours of the exam was spent preparing the scale drawing. I normally use CAD and the old way was a challenge for me to be fast enough and accurate enough.)
As far as your complaints about the questions - I'd recommend you consider joining the board. The fellows serve without compensation because they want to improve the field of accident reconstruction.
And as far as your concerns about ambiguity in the exam questions - I rather strongly suspect that the questions are taken directly from points presented in some of the more prestigious reconstruction texts.
On the practical side of the exam each of the problems was based upon a test crash that was actually conducted for the sole purpose of the exam. And again the fellows donated their time and energy to put it all together.
Tom Persing
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