The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Types of Total Survey Stations/ Software for Accident Investigation Use

Thomas Langley (
Sun, 27 Apr 1997 09:15:38 -0400 (EDT)

Hope you got my e-mail response to your earlier inquiries. Ultimately we are adapting land
surveying equipment for AI use. There is a wealth of information about land surveying equipment
available for us to use. The SOKKIA brand of instruments have received a lot
of attention in recent years. You can buy whats known as 1 second guns up to 7
second or higher. I use a Set 6F 7 second gun and it does fine. 3 second and 5 second
guns are more expensive and the 1 second guns are the most expensive. SOKKIA ships
software version 4.20 (I believe) which has a facility to when loaded on your PC
allows you to connect the SDR Data Recorder and download your work that you shot and your Feature Code Library.
The Feature Code Library is programmable as you use it or it is uploadable from
the PC if you find one already customized for AI. Used like this you only need
the Gun (Head), SDR 33 (Expert), PC and AutoCad LT or higher. Might work in AutoSketch, don't know don't use it.
Package price in the real world with prisms, poles and all the goodies is about
$10,000.00 US. Prices change pretty rapidly. SOKKIA does have an extensive market in the far east and
in Australia (if I am remembering correctly from their home page -
Once you import the DXF into your drawing space, you can fit the polylines to your curves, add text, blocks, scales, etc... and in no time be 10-8.
If you have any questions, e-mail me or if you would like some samples of
scenes done with Total Station visit my page at
Thomas Langley

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