The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Types of Total Survey Stations/ Software for Accident Investigation Use

dwain friesen (
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 18:00:03 -0400 (EDT)

I have used the Nikon transits with a data collector for a number of years now.
I have used the AIMS software and Easy Survey Plus. Data collection is a breeze, coding simple and straight forward.
I think some people, including company reps, spend a bit too much time talking about the gun's accurracy, 1 seconds, 5 seconds, 20 seconds, etc. It seems to me that that consideration should be down on the list a bit. I would recommend looking for other aspects like battery life, range, maintenance, technical support, and ease of use. The use of surveying instruments for ai work is unique. We are not laying out residential sub-divisions or calculating earth volumes. Accuracy is always good, but it all comes down to who is holding the prism. It won't really matter if your gun is 1 sec or 20 sec if the prism is way off verical and/or 2 or 6 inches (or worse) off of the actual target. Get an idea of the distances you have to measure, if they are just normal intersection type surveys, you don't need a gun that will shoot 5 miles.

dwain friesen

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