The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Delta V for 1987 Dodge Aries

Chris Borelli (
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 15:57:01 -0400 (EDT)

I am reconstructing a low speed collision involving a 1987 Dodge Aries with
deformable beam front energy absorbers. These absorbers are undamaged. I am
a strong believer in knowing the delta V at which each particular absorber
either deforms or fully compresses before an opinion re injury potential
can be made. However, I cannot find any delta V/deformation info for this
particular absorber. I purchased info from Macinnis for a 1987 Dodge Omni with
a deformable beam absorber, but the photograph of the Omni absorber in the
Macinnis data shows a different absorber than the Aries absorber.

The crash book lists a 2 1/2 mph manual trans absorber, a 2 1/2 mph auto
trans absorber, and a 5 mph absorber. Has anyone tested a Dodge Aries with
a 2 1/2 mph deformable beam absorber (looks like a cylinder which has been
split in half, no convolutions) to determine the actual delta V at which
the absorber deforms? Any help would be appreciated.
Chris Borelli

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