The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Cabover Tractor Steering loss Problems.

Mike Wegrzyn (
Sat, 2 Aug 1997 07:12:37 -0400 (EDT)

By their very nature, many C.O.E. tractors have an adjustable sliding splined sector shaft (column to gear box input shaft) that is designed to allow the cab to be pivoted forward for necessary engine-transmission maintainence without disconnecting gear box components while also providing sufficient length to function normally in the cab locked position. While rare, I have encountered four C.O.E. tractors that have ran off the roadway with resultant cab twist sufficient to allow the steering column sector to completely separate from the input shaft spline. As these failures occurred during incidents not" related to normal transportation" (as yours also appears to be) I found no entity interested in this potential abnormality. I would be curious as to whether your collision actually sheared this component or if it merely separated during rearward movement.

Mike Wegrzyn

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