The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -Enter E-Mail Directory-

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Entering Your Name in the E-mail Directory

The procedure for entering your name into the E-mail Directory is very simple.

  1. Fill out and submit the form below.

  2. Proof your entry.

  3. Send a confirmation letter through the mail.

Filling Out the Form

All the fields below, except those noted as optional, are necessary to complete your directory entry. The form must be complete to be processed

Please use upper and lower case text. For example:

You will have an opportunity to pick three areas that you specialize in. Take some time to look through the categories that appear in the pick list. If there is an appropriate category in the pick list choose it. If none of the categories apply, fill the box with the next best option and send a Feedback complaint. If you don't have 3 different specialties, then select NONE from the pick list. The specialties you select will appear in your listing. They will also allow an interested party to search you out by specialty. For example, a reader can request to see all the people that specialize in Animations.

After you complete this form click on submit it. You will then have a chance to proof your information. Check your data, see that your entry looks like you want it to, then add your proofing code. Your entry is not complete until you have added your proofing code and submitted your form a second time.

Where Your Name Will be Listed

Everyone that completes this form will be listed in the E-mail Directory. Those reconstructionists who indicate they have a Private Practice will also be listed in Selecting YES to the Private Practice question is the way to take advantage of TARO features that promote traffic accident reconstruction businesses.

An aside to police officers: If you list your phone or street address and check YES for private practice, your address or phone number will be published in TARSearch. If you have a private practice but do not wish your address or phone listed, do not enter them.

Linking to Your Home Page

Space is available to enter your home page URL. This feature is offered to promote the reconstructionist in private practice. If you include this address, your home page will be linked from your name in the E-Mail Directory. By choosing to enter your URL, you will be subscribing to TARO's link service. The first year of this service is offered at no charge. Following the first year, the service is billed at $49 per year. Subscibing for the free one year trial period in no way obligates you. You will not incur any expense without your expressed consent. Revenue from link sales is the sole source of funds to maintain this web site. If you are bothered by the thought of paying for a link, please take the time to read the April, 1996, editorial TARO, the Internet and Commerce.

Subscribing to the link service will also allow you two lines of free form text that will appear under your directory listing. Use this space is to tell a little more about your business. You might use the space in the following way:

Confirming Your Listing

To ensure the quality of this data-base, your listing will be held off line until you have sent a confirmation letter through the mail. The confirmation process is not placed here to impede anyone from being listed. It's to prevent Bevis, Butthead or Kilroy from appearing in the listings. The conformation letter must contain the password you have chosen to use with TARO and E-mail address printed or typed. Note the password requested is not your Internet provider password.

The an 8.5 x 11 confirmation letter can be:

  1. letter head form your commercial business.
  2. letter head form a private traffic accident reconstruction firm.
  3. letterhead from a governmental agency.
  4. letterhead from your traffic accident reconstruction organization.
  5. a business card stapled to a plain piece of paper.

Again, all confirmation letters must have your TARO password and E-mail address.

Mail the confirmation letter to:

TARO E-mail Listing
PO Box 6200
Lake Worth, Fl.

Maintaining Your Listing

Once you are confirmed and listed, the maintenance of your Phone Book entry is your job. You can change your E-mail address, password or specialties on line. No further mail conformation is necessary. Additionally, you must "hit" your entry at least every other year. This "hit" can be a modification to one of the items in the form. This check will assure that all of the listings are still active. The date of your listings expiration will appear next to your name in the Phone Book .

Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Name/Initial (Optional):
Title (Sergeant, President- Optional):
Degree Letters ( M.D. Ph.D ACTAR 50 Optional):

Number & Street (200 Main St. Apt 8082 Optional):

City (include non-US State eg: Vancouver, British Columbia.):

US State
Zip/Postal Code:
Password (No spaces):
E-mail Address:
Company Name (Optional):
Telephone (Optional):

Home Page (Charges will eventually apply):

Do you have a traffic accident reconstruction practice? Yes No

Two lines of text that describe your practice (70 characters maximum each line):

Do you want your name released to mailing list solicitors? Yes No

Select the first specialty you would like listed:

Select the second specialty you would like listed:

Select the third specialty you would like listed:

Review your form for accuracy then Submit it .

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