The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-
Re: Front Seats Reclined Upon Impact During Rear-End Collision
Chuck Veppert (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 17:53:47 -0500 (EST)
I guess I cannot help myself when given a chance to offer an opinion. While I cannot help you on your seatback problem, I can offer some suggestion on your speed estimation technique. Due to the unique stopping abilities of tractor-trailer rigs, 192 feet of post collision skidmarks is not outside normal ranges for a highway type crash. Assuming this is a normal highway asphalt surface (since you say you were traveling at about 60mph), estimating a drag factor of .75 would show the truck speed at about 55mph post impact. If it was a concrete surface this would bring it to f=.85 for a speed of about 58mph. This also assumes the brakes of the tractor-trailer were all used and were in good adjustment. Calculating a pre-impact speed for the semi would require weights for both vehicles. But unless it is a "baby' Mack truck and a heavily loaded Jeep, the calculated speed would not approach 90mph. My guess would be 65 - 68mph.
Chuck Veppert
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